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Top five reasons why you don’t take good pictures of your children

Top five reasons why you don’t take good pictures of your children

1. You don’t know your camera Even point-and-shoot cameras come loaded with features in today’s age. Did you read the manual? Do you know and understand most features? You can have the greatest and latest camera, if you always keep your camera on “Automatic”, your pictures will be dull. Learn how to use “Aperture Priority”, “Shutter Priority” or at l ...[Read More]

10 easy tips for a succesful photoshoot with your children

10 easy tips for a succesful photoshoot with your children

13 easy ways for improving your child’s portraits and not only

13 easy ways for improving your child’s portraits and not only

1. Get Low When most parents take pictures of their children, especially babies and toddlers, they take the picture from a standing position. Taking pictures from above has a miniaturizing effect and this may not be what you want. Get down to the child’s level, or even lower for a new and fresh perspective. Don’t be afraid to lay on the ground in front of your child. The child will als ...[Read More]
